Helping navigate our changing climate

Bryony Worthington Bryony Worthington

Earthshot: book review

We are undoubtedly living at a crossroads in humanity’s history on this planet. Having become so dominant a species we are now drastically altering the finely tuned conditions that enabled us to flourish. To take a sharp about turn, toward a less risky, more harmonious way of existing, we need to apply the handbrake.

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Bryony Worthington Bryony Worthington

Trump may be bad but all is not lost

Nasa recently announced the discovery of a solar system with seven earth-sized rocky planets, three of which could potentially sustain life. Interesting news, but at 235 trillion miles away, no one is going there soon. In the meantime, we need to look after our only home. We must protect ourselves from climate change. Our fate turns on a race between physics and politics.

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Bryony Worthington Bryony Worthington

Trumps pantomime presidency galvanised us

This article appeared in Prospect Magazine, July 2017 edition

“Summertime and the living is easy, fish are jumping and the cotton is high.” This was playing in the White House Rose Garden as President Donald Trump announced his withdrawal from the landmark Paris Climate Agreement.

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